


Thursday night – Drama with Eleanor Drury Children’s Charity 

Supper Club is now finished – We will have a bbq on Friday June 7th “BGC Day” between 4 – 5:30 but we close at 5:30pm. 


Canadian Tire Jumpstart Programs

Thank you to Canadian Tire Jumpstart for the two Community Development Grants to bring children for swimming and gymnastics lessons. 

The grants covered the transportation, staffing and fees associated with the program. 

We really appreciated everything Jumpstart does to keep children active in sport. 

Windsor Program Details

During the After School Program a healthy snack is provided to members. All members must sign in and out at the Attendance desk. Parents will need to give permission for children to walk home on their own.

Age Appropriate programs will be delivered. Calendars will be posted monthly on the After School Drop In Page.

Quality After School Programs

Click on the After School Program for calendars and news on our after school program. The Club will open September 18th.

Homework Help!

Homework Help is available everyday after school. We ask the members if they have homework but we do not make the children do it. If you want your child doing their homework please remind the members to ask us for help.

On Tuesdays in October to March Frontier College will be here with tutors to help children in specific subjects. 

House League

Pizza Hut is the Sponsor of our House League Program. Children earn points by participating in sports, attendance, doing good deeds and attending workshops. The team with the most points each month win a pizza party supplied by Pizza Hut.

Arts & Crafts

CAHEP does some amazing art projects with our members weekly. Arts & Crafts are incorporated daily into programming. They come Mondays for Art and on Fridays they do a creative movement class.

Cooking Classes

Learn easy, fun, new recipes you can create with what’s in your cupboards when the stomach is grumbling! Each age group gets one day a week to cook up a storm.

Power Up

Power Up! is an academic support program that helps kids develop positive study habits and practices at school, and encourages a life-long interest in learning. Participants are given the tools and environment necessary to set and plan for academic goals, and are helped along the way by volunteer tutors and mentors. 
Power Up is funded by Fidelity