

Cooking Programs

The Clubs provides several cooking programs to teach food nutrition and food literacy to our members.

Kid Food Nation

Kid Food Nation is a BGCC national program that aims to improve children’s health by teaching food skills and enhancing food literacy in a fun and interactive program. Kid Food Nation is an 8-week program that builds week to week based on the knowledge and skills being taught by our trained staff. Participants develop confidence in their ability to cook and create healthy meals on their own by learning new skills such as cutting, grating, peeling, mashing and mixing; gaining knowledge in how to read a recipe, make a healthy choice about what they eat, build a grocery list and where food comes from (and how best to support local); having confidence to change food habits, one goal at a time!

Kid food nation is done for the 2022 – 2023 school year

This program is funded by President’s Choice Children’s Charity.

After School Cooking Programs

Each week, members have the opportunity to participate in cooking classes in the afterschool program. Our members are taught to make basic snacks and meals that can easily be re-created at home with limited skills and supplies. Members also get to experience creating the occasional “high skilled” recipe such as making pasta from scratch or sushi, which gives them the opportunity to try something completely new!

Cooking programs are done for the year. Check back to see when they will start up again.